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Όποιος σπίτι μένει σαν αρχίζει ο αγώνας κι αφήνει άλλους ν' αγωνιστούν για τη υπόθεσή του πρέπει προετοιμασμένος να 'ναι: Γιατί όποιος δεν έχει τον αγώνα μοιραστεί θα μοιραστεί την ήττα. Ούτε μια φορά δεν αποφεύγει τον αγώνα αυτός που θέλει τον αγώνα ν' αποφύγει: Γιατί θ' αγωνιστεί για την υπόθεση του εχτρού όποιος για τη δικιά του υπόθεση δεν έχει αγωνιστεί.

Μπ. Μπρεχτ


Πέμπτη 6 Μαρτίου 2014

Τέχνη από (για) τη σοσιαλιστική Ουκρανία

Όταν τα πράγματα ήταν καλύτερα

Photo Credit: RIA Novosti archive, image #21733 / Zelma / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Great October Socialist Revolution Celebration Annual Demonstration (1930).

Ζωγραφισμένα από παιδιά.
Freed Woman! Build Socialism!, 1926, Adolf Strakhov (1896-1979)
Join the Red Cavalry!, 1920, Unknown Artist
Vive la III-me Internationale, 1920, Olexiy Marenkov (1888-1944)
Locomotives & Factories are waiting for the Coal of Donbass, 1920, Vasil Yermilov, (1894-1967)
Soviet propaganda poster in Ukraine speaking against on the alliance of Petlyura and PilsudskiThe Ukrainian text reads: “Corrupt Petlyura has sold Ukraine to the Polish landowners. Landowners burned and plundered Ukraine. Death to landowners and Petlyurovites”
Soviet propaganda poster in Ukraine speaking against on the alliance of Petlyura and Pilsudski “Corrupt Petlyura has sold Ukraine to the Polish landowners. Landowners burned and plundered Ukraine. Death to landowners and Petlyurovites”

A Soviet propaganda poster depicting the Red Army’s advance into Western Ukraine as a liberation of the Ukrainians. The Ukrainian text reads: “We stretched our hand to our brothers so that they could straighten their backs and throw off the despised rule of the whips that lasted for centuries.” The person thrown off the peasants’ backs, shown wearing a Polish military uniform and holding the whip, could be interpreted as a caricature of Piłsudski.

A Sovietization propaganda poster addressed to the Western Ukrainian population. The Ukrainian text reads: “Electors of the working people! Vote for the joining of Western Ukraine with Soviet Ukraine, for a united, free and thriving Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Let’s forever eliminate the border between Western and Soviet Ukraine. Long Live the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic!”

πηγή: mauroflight.wordpress.com

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